Soie 1003™ (100/3) - 150m (Group 4 - 600s)
* Due to the size of the spools this items will ship via parcel mail. Any automatic shipping may need to be adjusted based on your address.
I order directly from Au Ver a Soie in Paris and I do orders about once a month. I am happy to let you know what I have in stock via email.
It is available in spools of 150m, many stores only carry 50m spools. I also have access to the entire range of 394 colours.
From their website:
Silkworm Silk 1003™ is an assembly of 3 strands of moderate brilliance, made from schappe silk (combed silk), it is perfect for all uses in the field of needlework, available in an inimitable range of 394 colors.
It is available in coils of 150m, many stores only carry 50m spools.
In 1890, the Silk Card 1003 had 2688 different colors divided into 107 ranges. It is this card that serves as a reference to add new colors. Our current color chart comes from it.