Needs to be ordered
“Isabel” was inspired by a Victorian wallpaper design. This project is a sampler of crewel stitches done on congress cloth. It is suitable for finishing as a wall hanging. The main goal of this design is to introduce the canvasworker to intermediate crewel stitches on a canvas medium, while developing texture and exploring techniques such as needle shading, trellis and three dimensional stitches such as bullion knots. Diagrams are presented of all stitches plus a large master chart.
Thread used: DMC #5 Perle Cotton, Caron Watercolours, Paternayan Persian Yarn, Threadworx Floss, Gloriana Lorikeet and Princess Silk Perle, Dinky Dyes Silk Floss, Belle Soie silk and Kreinik Mori Silk.
Colour palette shown is shades of Blue, Burgundy, Pink and Green
This is piece is for the intermediate stitcher.