Indigo Dreams (Discontinued)
*Currently in stock - 1 copy
Discontinued by the designer
From the website;
Inspired by the geometric patterns found in wooden floor tiles and quilt blocks, “Indigo Dreams” is a sampler of canvas stitches suitable for finishing either as a wall hanging or a pillow.
The main goal of this course is to introduce the canvasworker to intermediate and advanced stitches while exploring techniques such as Bargello, traming and laid fillings. The project is stitched in DMC #5 and #3 perle cotton, Vineyard silk, Threadworx Expressions, Caron Snow, Silk ‘n Colours, Gloriana Silk, Rainbow Gallery Very Velvet, Kreinik Braid and Bijou. The piece is embellished with Swarovski crystals. The colour pallet is amethyst with purple and royal blue accent.
Stitches include Checkered, Long-Armed Cross, Continental, Basketweave, small, large and square Jessica, Crescent, reverse and alternating Cashmere, Lattice, Plaited and Ray variations.