Stoney Creek Collection
GLISSENGLOSS Rainbow Blending Thread Used:
Olde World Christmas - Book 540
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needs to be ordered
Buttons and Creek Colours Threads are special order
From Website:
Santa Plate 2022 stitch count 104w x 97h, approximately 7.5" x 7" on 14ct.
Olde World Santa Stocking stitch count 153w x 225h, approximately 11" x 16" on 14ct.
O Tannenbaum stitch count 173w x 139h, approximately 12.25" x 10" on 14ct.
Models are stitched on 28ct light taupe Lugana over 2 threads using DMC threads. If stitching on Aida we would recommend Beautiful Beige.
Santa Plate 2022 is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 00557 gold glass seed beads and Mill Hill 03049 rich red antique seed beads. It is adorned with small metallic gold star button (SB060MGS x 2) and a small-medium metallic gold star button (SB060MGSM x 1). (Special Order pack)
Olde World Santa Stocking is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 00557 gold glass seed beads and Mill Hill 03049 rich red antique seed beads.
O Tannenbaum is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 00557 gold glass seed beads and Mill Hill 03049 rich red antique seed beads.
DMC Floss Used:
B5200 (2 skeins) | 152 | 221 |
223 | 224 | 225 |
318 | 247 | 415 |
433 | 434 | 435 |
436 | 437 | 498 |
640 | 642 | 644 |
704 | 712 | 721 |
738 | 739 | 741 |
754 | 758 | 762 |
783 | 801 | 814 |
822 | 898 | 926 |
927 | 928 | 935 |
938 | 948 | 3328 |
3347 | 3362 | 3371 |
3721 | 3722 | 3768 |
3778 | 3820 | 3822 |
3857 |
CREEKS COLOURS Hand Dyed Floss (followed by DMC equivalent) Used:
103 | cranberry (DMC 814/815) |
401 | lily pad (DMC 3364) |
801 | silver lining (DMC 415) |
804 | stone quarry (DMC 644) |
DMC Color Variations Used:
4000 | espresso |
000 | bright white |
308 | lime green |
309 | olive green |
407 | brass |
617 | red |
907 | black gold |